WELCOME TO Nh-A red ridersWe have a new gathering place: Bethany Chapel and Community Church 54 Newbury Rd, Manchester, NH 03103 just off the end of the runway of Manchester Airport on the second Friday of the month.
Welcome to NH-A Red Riders, centered around Manchester, NH, and servicing the World. Join us for our monthly Get-Together held on the second Friday of the month. See our calendar for more. Each motorcycle group has its own personality and ours is no exception. We are NH-A Red Riders because we were created from the ashes of the now defunct GWRRA NH-A. We are building a new independent motorcycle touring organization. Our color is red hence we are newly branded the NH-A Red Riders. We support safe riding and take great pride in our record of safety. We invite you to visit us at our monthly Get Together for Fun, Friends, socializing, food, and riding. Founded in 2023, the NH-A Red Riders are off to a red hot start with almost 50 Members. The group is managed by volunteer leaders working with members to foster safe, enjoyable riding while also working to improve the public image of motorcycling. As a member of the NH-A Red Riders you can participate with us in all the activities you choose. We welcome you to join us at NH-A Red Riders. Our monthly Chapter Get-Togethers are pleasant, social occasions, filled with exchanges of information and FUN. Arrive early for a BYO delicious dinner. There are NO expectations, riding requirements, elections, politics, required uniforms. In between our monthly meetings, NH-A Red Riders hosts regular events and group rides. We stay active during the winter with dine outs, bowling and other fun. NH-A loves to visit nearby motorcycle groups and share in the fun of their activities as well! |
If you're a motorcyclist and want to meet and make new friends, we invite you to visit us. It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride. We'd love to meet you and have you join the NH-A Red Riders.